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Top Ten Fantasy Books I've Been Reading

Updated: Mar 5, 2021

This is entirely my personal opinion, but, I figure you know that already if you're reading my blog! Here it is, my personal top ten list of Fantasy Books that I've read... fairly recently. This list is ever-changing, as I'm sure everyone's is. I can't wait to hear your thoughts on it, and of course to hear new recommendations... what are you reading right now!?

1. The Sword of Truth Series by Terry Goodkind - Okay, you guys, this series is an undertaking, clocking in at 22 books and a few extra short novellas. I have reread the first 11 books probably 3 times (it has an 'ending' after 11 which is where I stopped for a long while), and this is my first journey through to the final books. I have loved this series the entire time, but my favourite book out of all of them is the very first: Wizard's First Rule. I have laughed and cried, and of course, I have slammed my book down in rage when I thought there could be no happy ending, and picked it back up in joy whenever the characters triumphed. This is the height of excellent magic-filled writing, and I have learned a lot about the nobility of life while I read it. An update: I finished the entire series and... I didn't love it! I recommend reading books 1-11, and then adding "The First Confessor" as a prequel, as it was lovely.

2. It's a given, but The Lord of the Rings - I know it's a bit cliche, but what can I say? I grew up reading The Hobbit, and spending my days imagining that one day I could see all the sight of Middle Earth. As an aside, the LotR movie trilogy is also (in my opinion, of course) one of the best book to movie adaptations ever done. I know, I know, fellow LotR book fans, it wasn't perfect, but how could they fit everything in? It was damn good, and it's aging magnificently, and if we have to get together and have a marathon, well I guess I will prove it to you if I must -- did you catch that, I just managed to invite myself over to binge watch LotR for what is (and I do not exaggerate) at least the 27th time I've seen it)

3. The Runelords by David Farland - My favourite part about this series is the premise. I just love the idea that strength/power/etc can be endowed on someone with a Rune. I read this quite a while ago, and it's definitely on my list to re-read!

4. The Dark Elf Trilogy by R.A. Salvatore - This is another one that just seems like a staple of fantasy to me. I grew up with a D&D playing father, and one of the first books he put in my hands was Homeland. I loved every word in that book, and I continued to read about Drizzt for a long time after. Sojourn is actually my favourite in all the trilogy.

5. Rhapsody by Elizabeth Haydon - I read this series quite young and absolutely adored it; saying that, I have to give the disclaimer that my favourite character is not Rhapsody, who I find interesting, but a bit of a Mary-Sue. However, any flaw Rhapsody has is entirely made up by Grunthor and Achmed, who are worth reading every word for.

6. Dragons of Autumn Twilight by Margaret Weiss and Tracey Hickman. This series was a staple growing up. It's got everything a good fantasy book should have... magic, dwarves, mages, dragons, and old friends going on adventures. As a bonus, I do have to say my favourite character is and always will be Raistlin. What can I say... I love an antihero. Read Test of the Twins and try not to love him, too.

7. The Belgariad by David Eddings - Wow, this should actually be higher on my list. I absolutely love everything in this entire series, and it's continued in The Mallorean (which, in hindsight, I might even love more)! My favourite book in the series is actually the final one, Enchanter's End Game because nothing makes me happier than Ce'Nedra. Except. Maybe Prince Kheldar. Because, once again, nothing makes me happier than an 'antihero'.

8. The Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks - Although this book is similar to LotR (and let's be honest, this book is basically a fanfiction on LotR with new character names but similar plot) it's very well executed. I still love reading and going back to this one, with my favourite in the series actually being The Elfstones of Shannara.

9. I'd probably be amiss if I didn't mention A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin. Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy the books... but full disclosure, I haven't finished the series yet! I read these books when I was young, WAY too young, and they weren't all published yet. If you can believe it I was probably only 13-14 when I read the Red Wedding scene. Yeah, you know the one. Despite this, I did enjoy the books, with my favourite at the time still being the first Game of Thrones, mostly because Daenerys was always a badass. I just haven't picked them back up to try again because it's a large series! I also haven't even watched the show, I know, I'm a disgrace.

10. Lastly, and as no shock to most fantasy readers, Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time series. This series clocks in at 14 books all said and told, and honestly, I can't say much more than it's good. It's really good. It was great when I read it at 14, and it was great when I reread it a decade later. It's a huge world, with one of the best magic 'systems' in a fantasy book I've seen, and if you like fantasy and haven't read it, get to it.

So that's it! If you've stuck with me this far I hope you at least plan on reading one of these! And if you have read one already, drop me a line and let me know your opinion!

*Also, to those of you being like... what the heck, Shay, you love Harry Potter, where is it?! Don't worry. I'm also writing a list of my favourite 10 fantasy YA novels. Harry Potter, although a fantastic read for every age, is traditionally considered a 'Children's Series'.*

Till then!

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