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9 Things I've Never Told You

I was told recently that having a blog on a professional website was a great way to seem more 'human' and approachable. I suppose it's true (especially living in a big city like I do) that most of the time businesses and business professionals don't really provide any insight as to who they are, as just regular people!

I promise, I'm a regular ol' person, probably just like you. There's things I love and hate, and I have weird idiosyncrasies just like anyone. So here, a list of 15 things I've never told you, and I hope that at least one of these things inspires you to drop me a comment and tell me something new, too! I can't wait to hear from you.

1. This is the most controversial fact about me - I absolutely hate onions. Despise them. Hate the smell, hate the taste. Raw, cooked, yellow, purple, green, shallots, etc. They're all YUCKY. But... here's the catch... I like onion rings and french onion soup. It drives my friends crazy.

2. I'm an only child. I grew up with my grandparents and didn't really know anyone my own age until school!

3. I'm an avid reader as I mentioned on my website - it's almost obsessive. I would trade Netflix, TV, Spotify, absolutely anything, as long as I have books. One summer, I read a book every day for 63 days!

4. I developed an irrational fear of "high edges" at 26. It's actually debilitating! I've never been afraid of heights, and now driving on a mountainside road I turn into a hysterical mess. Despite this, I still really want to skydive!

5. I teach both piano and voice - I've always been a huge music fan. Adele and Pearl Jam are my two favourite artists!

6. Shopping is my one true addiction. Embarrassingly enough, I combat this by online shopping, filling my cart, and then exiting out of my browser before checking out. If I go to a mall for a social outing, I immediately purchase a drink to carry around so that I can't carry anything else!

7. I have incredibly bad secondhand embarrassment! If people argue (even on TV shows) I have to leave the room! I also sometimes get so mortified about what's happening to fictional characters in what I'm reading that I have to put the book down and leave it for a few days.

8. If I could pick a superpower it would be: not needing sleep. I would like the ability to sleep, of course (I'm no Twilight Vampire), but imagine everything I could get DONE if I didn't have to sleep.

9. One of my top 3 favourite spots in the entire world is in my bed (this contradicts number 8, I know). There's something about working in my cozy, comfy bed, and having little twinkly lights peeking out with a cup of tea beside me.

Well, there you go! I'm not that exciting, really. But really - I want to hear something new about you! Tell me your favourite spot in the entire world? Your favourite or most despised food? Anything!

PS: One of my other top 3 favourite spots in the world is Birubi Beach... It's near my Aunt's house in Australia, and it's incredible. Don't believe me? Check out the photo I took below :)

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